10 Facts About Baptism

The Church of England, the Roman Catholic Church, the Methodists and the Eastern Orthodox Churches usually baptize people when they are babies. This is known as Infant Baptism and is also known as a christening. It usually takes place within a few weeks of a child’s birth, but it can take place any time. Adults can be baptised.
The parents will make promises on behalf of their child. They promise to bring them up in a Christian family and within the church and by setting a good example by following the teachings of Jesus.
Parents will usually attend classes organised by the church which help them to understand the importance of baptism.
There are usually godparents present who promise to share in the upbringing and nurturing of the child. They promise to encourage their godchild to grow in faith and spiritually as Christians. Christening or baptismal gifts are often given to the child being baptised.

The vicar will symbolically wash the Babies head with water from the font. The word font comes from the word ‘fount’ or ‘source’. This ritual is called 'aspersion' which means sprinkling' or 'affusion' which means pouring.
Baptism marks a person’s entry into the church.
When the baptised child moves towards adulthood, they can confirm the commitment and belief made on their behalf by the parents through a confirmation service.
Jesus was baptised by John the Baptist in the River Jordan and this marked the beginning of his ministry.
The Baptist church baptises people as adults and fully immerses them in water to wash away sin and the old life and they rise from the water to their new life with Christ. A church will usually hold classes for those wishing to be baptised so that they are fully aware of the commitment and promises they are making. Baptism involves making a commitment and promise to follow the teachings of Jesus. After the baptism they are accepted into membership of their church.
The Eastern Orthodox Church celebrates the importance of baptism at Epiphany on the 6th January. Jumping into icy water blessed by a priest who has thrown a wooden cross into the water is a ritual carried out by some Eastern Christians