The Light still Shines

The Christmas lights may have gone out and the season of goodwill may have ended but goodness remains. Day continues to follow night and light continues to follow darkness.
I was listening to Smooth radio as I was driving today and the DJ made an announcement that Gary Barlow is giving free tickets to all NHS nurses who wish to see the dress rehearsal of his new Musical ‘The Girls’. Too often the modern world's main purpose is making money at the expense of doing good. Giving gifts is often alien to the world of commerce and business. It is a well-known saying’ There is no such thing as a free lunch’. Another familiar saying is ‘Beware of Greeks bearing Gifts’. Gary Barlow’s goodwill to our underpaid, overworked nurses, is an act of goodness because there are no strings or conditions attached. He has used an opportunity to make the lives of a tired, hardworking group of people better.